High quality photos
Listing photos
High-quality photos are critical to the success of your listing.
Photos should be
- Minimum resolution of 1024 x 683 pixels
- Maximum file size of 20 MB
- Format of JPEG/JPG, PNG or GIF
- Sharp, well lit, high-resolution photos
- Horizontal (landscape) display
Photos should not be
- low-resolution, blurry, or too dark
- black and white
- inappropriate
- watermarked
- copied from another listing
- oriented incorrectly
- unrelated to your property or area
- blank or duplicated
Make sure your photos don’t contain
- a logo or border
- text of any kind, such as a URL or contact information
- something other than a picture, such as a document, certificate, illustration, or poster
- copyrighted material
- a closeup of a plant
- a license plate
- a collage of multiple photos or multiple listings